Sailfish Night of the Year: Jan Frodeno and Anne Haug athletes of the year, Challenge Roth best Long Distance

Jan Frodeno athlete of the year (Picture: instagram kai_schroeder_trinity)

For the twelfth time in a row, Challenge Roth was named best Long Distance race this weekend: it happened during the prestigious Sailfish Night of the Year. That triathlon gala is held annually and traditionally highlights the best races and athletes.

Challenge Roth was thus declared the best Long Distance, and that happened with an overwhelming majority of votes. So for the German race, which sells out within a minute every year (over 5,000 participants, ed.), this is the twelfth time in a row winning the award.

Best athletes of the year were named Jan Frodeno and Anne Haug. They were named best German athletes; a bit remarkably, no best international athletes were named this year. The triathlon in Allgau won the award for best short/middle distance race, Rico Bogen was named talent of the year and Laura Jansen “new talent” of the year.

