In a short interview with the swim brand Form, Lionel Sanders shared his lowest moment of 2021, that at the same time taught him an important lesson: we’re talking about Ironman Coeur d’Alene, where Sanders ended up on the side of the road with stomach issues about halfway through the run. However, he didn’t let that stop him and still managed to finish the race. But not in a position that he would aim for. “I’ve never wanted to drop out of a race more than I did at Ironman Coeur d’Alene”, he comments.
“But I didn’t”, he continues. “The strength I gained from that race I will call upon for the rest of my career.” Also, Sanders explains what influence swimming has on his life in and out of the pool. “It has taught me focus and discipline”, he explains. “Swimming does not come easy. I will take these lessons to all other aspects of my life.”
“It’s just a great moving meditation”, he answers when asked to name one reason to go out for a swim today. Sanders continues to sum up what swimming sometimes makes him feel like. If it’s three things, it would be: “Motivated, frustrated and humbled.”