Super League Triathlon London victories for Alex Yee and Jeanne Lehair

Jeanne Lehair strikes with SLT London victory (Picture: Insta Lehair / SLT)

A battle between the sharks, scorpions and a few more teams with remarkable animal names, athletes allowed to cut corners and other things you’ll never see in regular triathlons: the Super League Triathlon has started again, and today the first race took place in London. In the men’s race, the win went to Alex Yee, while victory in the women’s race went to Jeanne Lehair

During the race, athletes had to complete the so-called ‘Enduro’ format. This involves a 300 meter swim, 4 kilometer bike and 1.6 kilometer run and after running, the same distances followed immediately – without rest in between – two more times. Whoever fell more than ninety seconds behind during those three ultra-short triathlons was eliminated from the race. In practice, it actually mainly makes for a race that at times is difficult to follow because a good overview is lacking. On the other hands, it’s fast-paced racing for sure, including some of the best athletes in the world.

Victories for Alex Yee and Jeanne Lehair were impressive. Lehair struck in the last run of the final heat, by dominating Sophie Coldwell and Taylor Spivey thanks to a long and explosive final sprint. Lehair won the race in 49:51 minutes, staying one second ahead of Coldwell and three seconds ahead of Spivey.

Yee was killing it during the final run as well, but directly attacked after leaving the bike in T2 for the last time and directly dropped Jonathan Brownlee and Tayler Reid. Yee won the race in 45:23, while Brownlee (+0:03) and Reid (+0:10) finished second and third.

