Scary moments for Joe Skipper: ‘I found myself unable to talk’

Joe Skipper (Picture: Instagram Skipper)

Joe Skipper is not racing Ironman Florida or Ironman Cozumel to end his season: last Sunday, the top British athlete experienced very scary moments when he suddenly found himself unable to talk and also lost his memory. He is now okay again, but Skipper did decide to end his season.

“Unfortunately not the end to the season I had hoped for. I won’t be in Florida racing this Saturday or Cozumel. On Sunday while I was getting ready to head out for a ride I was trying to talk to a friend when I found myself unable to talk. I knew what I wanted to say but was unable to get it out, my memory also went and this is bad at the best of times but I found myself unable to remember powerful pensioners name and many other people. I ended up going to hospital, getting a CT scan, staying the night, having more tests and was then given the all clear to leave. I’ve still got one more test to do but its looking good all be it very worrying at the time. The doctors have said to take it easy for a few days and then I’ll be good to go as long as the last test shows nothing bad.

“So I’ll be having a bit of time off, chilling out with the family and then will build up to next year starting off with Oceanside and Ironman Texas and have a crack at the ironman pro series.

“I know it sounds very cliche guys, but make sure you really do live your best life as you never know whats around the corner!”

