Challenge Roth announces 2025 date

Magnus Ditlev breaks the world record at Challenge Roth (Picture: CF)

While the thousands of athletes who are preparing for Challenge Roth 2024 know that they will race on July 7, the organization behind the race has now already announced when the 2025 race will take place: July 6. That means that Germany’s biggest race will stay in the first weekend of July again.

Of course, once again there has been close consultation between the largest German races (Challenge and Ironman) in order to coordinate the race dates as closely as possible so that athletes, media and spectators can enjoy all races as much as possible.

Registration for Challenge Roth 2025 traditionally opens directly on site after next year’s race (2024). A week later, online registration will also open. As always, the race will in all likelihood be completely sold out within a minute.

