Challenge Almere-Amsterdam offers chance to win a entry code for Challenge Roth

Magnus Ditlev at last year's Challenge Roth (Picture: Challenge Roth)

Challenge Roth sold out a few weeks back within – hold on to your hat – only 32 seconds: thousands of athletes managed to secure a slot for what is arguably the most popular race in the world, but at least as many athletes missed their chance and thus don’t have to prepare for Challenge Roth 2025. Yet this weekend, interested athletes still have a chance to obtain a code with which they can buy a slot.

That opportunity comes from a collaboration with Challenge Almere-Amsterdam: the Dutch race has currently opened registration for the 2025 edition for several days. That registration is only for the Long Distance and remains open through next Monday, Aug. 26. Anyone who registers will benefit from the lowest Early Bird rate and thus guarantee themselves a slot for the Almere race, which is the oldest Long Distance Triathlon in Europe.

Among everyone who registers between now and Monday, Aug. 26, as many as 25 codes for Challenge Roth will be raffled off. With that code, athletes can then still register for Challenge Roth. Both organizations speak of ‘the magic double’.

More information here.

