[VIDEO] Safety first? Not at Supertri Chicago…

The men's podium at Supertri Chicago (Picture: Supertri Instagram)

At a time when safety is playing an increasingly important role and athletes are sometimes given a time penalty just for touching their helmets in the transition area when running to the mount line with their bike in their other hand, Supertri seems to be taking a slightly more relaxed approach to important safety measures. Footage from Supertri Chicago – which took place last weekend – shows several athletes riding with their helmet straps way too loose, potentially posing a life-threatening risk.

The video below (created by Dutch tri website 3athlon.nl) shows Kenji Nener riding in second position (red helmet, ed.), clearly showing that his helmet is way too loose. Especially at Supertri races this is a big risk, since athletes are doing three ultra-short triathlons (300/4/1.6) and also racing on narrow courses as well as in groups. It’s not sure why officials didn’t act on this situation:

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On the livestream of the race it is noticeable that not only Wilde, but also other athletes are racing with helmets that are far too loose.

