120 x Long Distance: Jonas Deichmann to finish his world record journey today

Jonas Deichmann to finish his 120xLong Distance World Record (Picture: Sammy Deichmann / Challenge Family)

Just one more 3.8 kilometer swim, 180 kilometer bike ride and 42.2 kilometer run and together with the 119 times he has already done this in recent months, Jonas Deichmann thus reaches his coveted 120 Long Distances in a row today. He already broke the world record – 106 Long Distances in a row – two weeks ago, but today he also achieves his own goal with thus 120 times a Long Distance in as many days.

Deichmann started on May 9 and has since completed a Long Distance triathlon every day on the Challenge Roth course. When swimming, he may not have swum in the famous canal where the race normally takes place – due to boat traffic – but in an adjacent lake, but for the bike and run, he completed the exact Challenge Roth course every day. When he was halfway through his record attempt, in early July, he entered the regular Challenge Roth race. Naturally, Deichmann attracted a lot of attention there.

During his world record attempt, Deichmann was joined by many athletes every day.

