Water quality meets safety standards: Olympic Triathlons will take place today

Olympic Triathlons will take place today (Picture: World Triathlon)

Finally athletes know what to do: the Olympic Triathlons will take place today (July 31), including a swim. The most recent water test shows improved water quality and so the women dive into the Seine at 8:00 a.m. CEST for their Olympic race and the men follow at 10:45 a.m CEST.

There has been much talk in recent months about the water quality of the Seine, where swimming has not been safe for more than 100 years. Despite a billion-dollar investment, the city of Paris also did not get the water clean enough in recent months. In recent days, first the two swim course reccy’s were cancelled and yesterday the Olympic men’s triathlon was already rescheduled for today.

That was done with the caveat that the water tests this night showed improvement and would meet the set standards for safe swimming. Just some minutes ago, green light was given to race.

