Course record Challenge Israman broken: Marcel Bolbat wins

Marcel Bolbat wins Challenge Israman (Picture: Challenge Israman / Instagram)

It was a bit of a question every time in recent years whether the race could take place – given the political situation in Israel – but last weekend Challenge Israman took place safely once again. The race went pretty fast, as German Marcel Bolbat, who won the Middle Distance, did so in a new course record of 4:13:41.

Bolbat not only broke – or rather pulverized – his own course record by over 8 minutes, but also successfully defended his title from last year. After the swim, Bolbat was not yet in the lead, but had to leave Michele Sarzilla and Itamar Eshad in front of him. On the bike, however, the German took the lead in the race and would not relinquish it.

Bolbat won the race in 4:13:41, followed by Eshad in 4:17:54. Pole Wojciech Kopczynski finished third in 4:20:40. These three times were all faster than Bolbat’s former course record. In the women’s race, the win went to Sofia Korzunina, who won in a time of 5:23:35.

