Carlotta Missaglia and Max Studer best athletes Europe Triathlon Cup Caorle

Carlotta Missaglia sprints for victory.

Both the women’s and men’s races were dominated by a large peloton during the bike and decided during the five kilometer run; there it was Carlotta Missaglia and Max Studer who proved to be the strongest athletes of the day. Due to their amazing running performances the Italian and Swiss athlete therefore won the Europe Triathlon Cup Caorle.

In the women’s race, after 750 meters of swimming and 20 kilometers of biking, it was the Swiss Catia Schär who first started to run a high pace and thus crushed her competitors. Yet her high pace was not enough to make a definitive difference, as four other women were able to follow her. Among them was the German Selina Klamt, who began to increase the pace in the final kilometers and thus had a shot at victory. However, she had to contend with two Italian ladies who, in turn, were able to follow very closely: Carlotta Missaglia and Angelica Prestia. After an exciting sprint it was Missaglia who won the race, while Prestia and Klamt came second and third.

In the men’s race it was almost exactly the same: during the swim, the Italian Alessio Crociani broke away, made a big gap, tried everything to stay ahead on the bike, but was swallowed up by the peloton not much later. During the run, Max Studer immediately put on a huge acceleration and left a large part of the competition behind him. However, four men stayed close to him, including Richard Murray, but after several accelerations Struder proved to be the strongest athlete. He won the race, while the German Lasse Lührs took the silver and the Isralian Shachar Sagiv the bronze.

Max Studer after his victory at Europe Triathlon Cup Caorle

