Challenge Roth introduces new regulations on entry cancelations

Challenge Roth's new regulations

“An increase of 116% in event technology, 55% more expenses for electricity infrastructure and even a surcharge of 148% for water infrastructure. The wave of inflation is hitting us hard too, especially after the three loss-making Covid years. For us it is always clear: Roth must remain Roth and we don’t want to save money on any measures that could affect the quality of the race and diminish the experience for our athletes, fans or volunteers. At the same time, we don’t want to simply increase the entry fee without providing additional services for you, which is why we have found an approach that offers you significant additional services. However, due to the continuing high prices in almost all areas, we are forced to react for the 2024 race – but in the way you are used to from us: fair and transparent.”

For all details on the new Challenge Roth regulations, check this link.

