It is common knowledge that Anne Haug can run very fast. But, that Haug can do so even when her shoe is not properly fitted because of a broken lace is now evident as well after the PTO European Open. There she ran 1:02:55 over the final 18 kilometers even though she had already torn her lace in T2.
So reported Gunter Knockaert, the Belgian osteopath of Anne Haug and other world-class athletes. Haug ran her top time – which allowed Haug to win the race – despite wearing a shoe that was far too loose.
The picture below, zoomed in at the finish line, clearly shows the loose lace of Haug’s left shoe. Haug has already had a very successful season; the year has only just begun, but the top German athlete has already won Ironman 70.3 Lanzarote, Challenge Gran Canaria and the PTO European Open.