Lionel Sanders: ‘I’m not racing any Ironman no more’

Lionel Sanders days before the World Championships IM 70.3 (Picture: Talbot Cox / Insta Sanders)

Lionel Sanders, who was disqualified by Ironman today when he was short crossing the center line on to the left hand side of the road out on the IM 70.3 World Champs bike course, reportedly yelled at the organization that he never wants to race Ironmans again.

Sanders had his sights fully set on this race and was desperately aiming for a strong finish. The Canadian world-class athlete was well in the mix, riding in the big chasing group with a lot of favorites together, but then was thus taken out of the race. Athletes are obviously aware of the fact that they are not allowed to bike on the wrong side of the road, but on the livestream it is clear to see that several athletes did this occasionally when they had to overtake someone.

Interesting detail: photographer Talbot Cox, who obviously works very closely with Lionel Sanders, shared on Instagram a piece of the livestream in which Kristian Blummenfelt also crosses the line. You could describe that as not very collegial.

