The world of AI: Brownlee brothers use artificial intelligence to answer triathlon questions

ASK AL (Picture:

Alistair and Jonathan Brownlee are using artificial intelligence – AI – to help endurance athletes answer the questions they have. For now, their service, which listens to the name “ASK AL” and was just presented, is free, and in addition, the functionalities will be expanded in the coming months.

The system that uses artificial intelligence to answer endurance athletes’ questions has been implemented on the Brownlee Fitness website. There, the two brothers also already offer paid training plans to athletes. ASK AL, however, is free to test, although you need to log in there with a Google or Facebook account.

“Any feedback is very welcome,” said two-time Olympic champion Alistair. “We are still training AI every day. Much like training for triathlon, it’s a long, slow and consistent process.”

