World Triathlon blames cancellation Olympic Triathlon on ‘meteorological events’, statement pisses people off

Paris Olympics 2024 (Picture: World Triathlon)

Swimming in the Seine has not been possible for over a hundred years because of abominable water quality, but that the men’s Olympic triathlon cannot take place today, World Triathlon mainly blames to ‘meteorological events beyond our control’. It’s an explanation as remarkable as it is embarrassing, and one that has drawn strong international criticism.

Almost all international media share the same opinion: ‘It’s insane that World Triathlon was confident about this race to take place’. Also triathlon fans from all around the world already knew that the race almost was impossible to take place. With a swim event in a river that has been known for a century for poor water quality and a high concentration of pathogenic bacteria, it was to be expected that they were actually asking for trouble.

Online, then, thousands of people are publishing angry comments. Many of these comments are joined by some of the best triathletes in the world, including defending champion Kristian Blummenfelt.

Last year, Paris announced an investment of one and a half billion euros to improve the water quality of the Seine. Despite frantic efforts, the city failed to do so. In recent days, test swims for the Olympic triathlons have also already been canceled.

Both the women’s and men’s races are now scheduled for Wednesday, July 31, with start times of 8:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m., respectively.

