Garage Sam Laidlow completely burned down, World Champion warns other triathletes

Sam Laidlow (Picture: Challenge Family)

Sam Laidlow’s garage, containing motorbikes, turbo trainers and bikes, burned down completely during the night from Sunday to Monday; the Ironman World Champion posts this on social media. In doing so, he immediately hopes to create awareness among other triathletes because the cause of the fire is due to problems with the electricity.

The property damage is enormous, but Laidlow and family are fortunately unharmed themselves, thanks in part to the smoke alarm that did its job well. “But can’t say the same for all the motorbikes, turbo trainers and bikes. Wasn’t a fun experience and thank god we had a smoke alarm. We always worried about burglary, but overlooked electric fires completely. Hoping it can spread awareness to all the pain cave enthusiasts out there.”

