While the plans for 2025 are being made and the race schedules of many triathletes are slowly but surely taking shape, we asked how many races you are actually planning to participate in in this new year, where you will race – only in your home country or also abroad – and what the maximum distance will be for you.
It was a close call since 39 percent of you voted to race 3-5 races in season 2025, while 31 percent voted to race 6-8 races during the upcoming twelve months. 22 percent of you voted to race 0-2 races this year and 8 percent of you is going all in with over 8 races a year.
Text continues below pictureAn even closer call in the ‘where are you racing’ question, as 49 percent of you let it be known to only race in their home country, while 51 percent voted to racing in different countries as well.
Text continues below pictureMost popular distance by far is the Middle Distance, as 56 percent of you voted for this distance as the maximum distance to race in 2025. Also very popular is the Long Distance as maximum distance, with 35 percent of the votes. Only 6 percent chooses to race a Short/Sprint Distance as maximum and 3% chooses an Olympic Distance event as maximum.