Lionel Sanders stung by a bee during Challenge Miami, Instagram users joke around

(Photo: Talbot Cox)

He hasn’t said a word about it, and didn’t use it as an excuse, but according to Talbot Cox – Lionel Sanders’ befriended cameraman – Sanders was cycling with a bee in his shoe during Challenge Miami. “A bee is in my shoe stinging me!”, Sanders shouted to Cox during the bike leg. “This is actually true. He came by yelling that on lap five [out of a total of seventeen laps]”, Cox adds.

Now that the race is over, Cox decided to share the “funny” situation with the world. Well, funny…Given his Instagram post it seems at least Cox had a laugh about it.

Under the post Cox later added: “I told Lionel he should use that as an excuse to as why Jan Frodeno beat him. He said only Cameron Wurf would use that as an excuse.” Wurf didn’t overlook the comment and responded: “Unlike your little duckling, I’ve never made an excuse for my pitiful performances.”

Instagram user “Mdsict’ has other questions on his mind: “Why would one keep a bee in their shoe. Seems like a bad place for it.”

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