Smoking marathon runner disqualified

Uncle Chen (Picture: Social Media / Weibo)

In late 2022, the Chinese ‘Uncle Chen’ already went viral when he ran a marathon in China while smoking cigarettes for the entire 42 kilometers, but now the remarkable figure is in the news again. In Xiachem he ran another marathon and again he did so smoking, but that very thing got him disqualified.

The race organization announced that smoking during the race was prohibited for all participants, including Uncle Chen. As a result, Uncle Chen, who finished his marathon in 3:33 hours, was removed from the results list.

Uncle Chen had been running dozens of marathons and ultraruns in recent years, always accompanied by a smoldering cigarette in his mouth. It is unclear whether the 52-year-old runner will now quit his conspicuous hobby, or whether he will soon reappear smoking at the start of another run.

