Try not to laugh: Blummenfelt and Skipper in a pre-Sub7 staredown [VIDEO]

(Photo: Pho3nix)

It doesn’t look like Kristian Blummenfelt and Joe Skipper have a great boxing career ahead. At least not when you look at their staredown skills, because they are not really terrifying each other. On the contrary: they make each other laugh. Blummenfelt gives it a good try, though. This upcoming Sunday, the two star athletes will battle each other and try to make the impossible possible by finishing a Long Distance in less than seven hours. Enjoy a funny video of the pre-race staredown below.

Want to know how fast Blummenfelt and Skipper expect to swim, bike and run? Find out here. All other details – like when and where to watch the livestream – about the race you can check here.

