Pewag Racing Team supports Thomas Steger: ‘He has never taken any prohibited substances’

Thomas Steger (Picture: Insta Pewag Racing Team)

The Pewag Racing Team fully supports Thomas Steger. Yesterday it was published that the Austrian pro athlete, who is part of the team, has been given a one-year doping ban because he was in possession of an asthma spray. Steger immediately published a statement about his innocence and Pewag Racing Team also indicated this in an official statement from the team:

Thomas Steger has been a successful athlete on the team for many years, loving the sport of triathlon and respecting his opponents.
He has never taken any prohibited substances. All doping tests carried out in Germany and abroad were always negative.
An asthma spray containing a prohibited substance was found at his home. This was neither used by him nor used in training or competition.
There was therefore no positive doping test, but only the possession was sanctioned.
This is what the investigations have shown.
The Pewag Racing Team continues to trust that Thomas Steger will continue to practice clean and fair sport in the future.

