Every hard-training triathlete knows the feeling of sweat running down your face, into your eyes, and having to wipe it off during a ride or run. It’s uncomfortable and could even create a dangerous situation if you have to deal with sweat in your eyes while cycling. That’s why Veo came up with their Veo Strip. “Veo is an ultralight adhesive strip that channels sweat away from your eyes. Because Veo Strips channel, rather than absorb, they cannot saturate and have unlimited capacity”, the company explains.
Of course there are alternative ways to keep sweat out of your eyes, athletes often use caps, bandanas, or headbands, but while these may help a little, it makes it harder for your body to regulate temperature as the products trap the heat. With a Veo Strip, on the other hand, you can keep your head cooler as there is no need to have other fabric covering your head. Of course, keeping your core temperature down is key for triathletes, especially during races. If you manage to keep your body temperature low, it helps to improve your overall performance.
Not only could it boost your performance, the team behind Veo Strip explains, it’s also much safer. As Veo Strips keep the sweat out of your eyes for you, you won’t need to be bothered to wipe the sweat off your forehead, clean your glasses, and also, your eyes won’t get irritated by sweat, which means you can keep your eyes on the road and stay focused.
100 percent recyclable
Veo worked hard to make their product full recyclable. “We have put in place a program for true reuse of 100 percent of the materials you receive in your order, from packaging (paper-based and always recyclable) to, now, the strips themselves”, the company states on their website. “One of our key goals was to make it easy for our customers to recycle. With each U.S. order, we will include a return shipping envelope, postage prepaid, for customers to send us their used strips”, Veo explains.