Magnus Ditlev talks Kona with multiple Ironman World Champion Mark Allen

(Photo: Ingo Kutsche)

He surprised the world when he – as a complete dark horse – rode to the front at Challenge Daytona 2020, but meanwhile, true triathlon fans know his name: Magnus Ditlev is a phenomenon. His Ironman debut earlier this year resulted in a second place despite suffering a puncture during the bike part, and during his second Long Distance Ditlev won Challenge Roth in an incredibly fast time of 7:35:48 hours, only nine seconds shy of Jan Frodeno’s course record. After two great starts to his Long-Distance career, Ditlev is now on the hunt for a strong performance at the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. Multiple Ironman World Champion Mark Allen invited the Danish star athlete to talk about this important event.

“I think I have to pinch myself sometime to believe it happened. Even though I’ve only done two full-distance races – given my level now – I think this was as close as you can get to the perfect execution across all three disciplines. That’s something that rarely happens, so it was a perfect day for me”, Ditlev says about his near-record race in Roth.

